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Hey, Does That Still Fit You?

Venus King • October 6, 2020
Oh, the changing of the seasons.  Tank tops are exchanged for sweatshirts and days at the pool are exchanged for Friday night lights.  For some of you, this time of year serves as a reminder to switch all the batteries in your smoke detectors or a reminder to make the annual call to the furnace guy to give that ol' machine a tuneup before the cold of winter makes it appearance. 

Perhaps, this is the season in which you take inventory of your closet.  As we say goodbye to the shorts of summer, some of which would likely be better off going in the give away pile, but we hold off one more year in hopes that we will lose those few inches over the winter.   For me, taking inventory of your closet relates to taking inventory of your surroundings. 

Helpful tips to taking inventory.

1.   Take inventory often.  The first time you make a sweep, it will be easy to decide which items no longer fit you or your lifestyle.  Perhaps this is an item that served you perfectly at one time or another, but people change and so do our styles.  Letting go creates space for new and this may be the perfect time to say ba-bye. 

2. Just because it still fits you, does not mean it's for you.  You may be one of the lucky few who can still wear clothes from when you were in your 20's.  Count yourself blessed, however; this does not give you full on permission to wear it. The 1990's called and they want their Z Cavaricci's  back. For those of you who have no clue that I was just talking about, you must not have graduated in the 90's. I digress.   

3. What about the "good enough", but doesn't fit you great. This is where the tough pruning comes into action.  Many items in our life are "good enough", but these are the exact items that take up space and hold us back from wearing and giving energy to those items that are best suited for us. Good enough clothing, activities, and asks left unchecked can end up cluttering our lives and closets.  Have you ever spent hours searching for that perfect shirt you knew you had, but just can't find it in the mess? I rest my case. Good enough smothers out great. Be willing to prune and say goodbye to the good, but not the great.

In the end, know what works for you. The better you know yourself and your body type, the easier it is to make decisions. 

By Venus King September 10, 2020
There it was. Right there in the photo. I had officially entered the stage where the skin that once hugged tightly to my running legs was beginning to sag. My hope was that most people would focus on the smiling faces of my son and I, but I did what so many of us do. Start looking at ourselves and picking at all the parts that we do not like I’m fairly certain that no amount of miles or leg lifts could undue the beauty of an aging body and gravity. Like seriously, the timing was almost funny. Just the month prior, I had come to the realization that the heels I had rocked for many years, may slowly becoming a part of my distant past. These colored heels wait patiently in the closet for that special day where they can be worn for a very short period of time. I’m talking like a check the weather report for no sign of rain or snow, park close to the coffee shop, sit down, and sip a cuppa java while wearing a fun outfit kinda day. So, here is the question. Can you look in the mirror and truly honor the woman looking back at you? Like look at her and see her as a worthy beautiful woman? Being completely transparent, some days are easier than others. Not the 10 year ago version of you, but the “today you.” I’m sure you’ve all heard the saying..Today is the youngest you’ll ever be. Can you own that your competition is your reflection along with the stories that have played on replay over and over in your mind? Aging is really an interesting process. For some reason it has taken my body to begin falling apart like a 1970’s Pinto before I really began to fall into place with myself. Anyone tracking with me? When I was younger with near perfect legs and that one week I could wear a mid-riff without spilling over, I can say I was still unsatisfied. It was a constant game of cat and mouse where I never quite measured up to who I thought I should be. My measuring stick placed against others on social, near perfect friends, or my former self came up short time and time again. So, what if real beauty lies in the acceptance of who you are today? That the confidence that pours out can only be found by loving the person within and knowing no amount of hustle or designer outfit is going to earn your worth. It has already been done for you. Isn’t that a beautiful thing? Your worthiness has been there the whole time. I don’t about you, but that makes me smile. What if we had the courage to challenge the old playing stories we tell ourselves? To break down and thru beliefs that are antiquated and only serves our childlike selves? What if instead of picking apart the woman you see in your reflection, you thanked her? Thanked her for the strength it has taken to travel through this life of yours. Thanked her for surviving failures that left you rockin' scars of life lessons. Let’s travel together my friends. This place is a space where we step into self-awareness and self-acceptance. Some days we take giant leaps forward and others we take a step back. Either way we do it with grace. -Venus
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